You're Not Made of Sugar
Our Workcycles FR8 wearing proof of our muddy adventures. "You're not made of sugar." I have been told, or read somewhere, or once...

2018: The Year My Bike Got Run Over by a Bus
Not the actual bus, but an identical one. I promised myself that I wouldn't go the entire year without a post, so here it goes. This year...

Teachers Shouldn't Need a GoFundMe to Keep a Roof Over Their Heads
Recently, a close friend of my sister's was wrongfully evicted from a rent-stabilized apartment in Echo Park. Due to his subsequent...

To Bakfiets or not to Bakfiets, That is the Question...
LA Bike Mom skipping the school carpool drop-off line on the Urban Arrow. Should you buy a really expensive bike with a big bucket in the...

Awesome Adventure: Richard Nixon Edition
Prior to a few weeks ago, if someone playing the word association game with me had said, "San Clemente;" I would've answered, "Nixon." ...

Barnsdall Arts Free Family Art Workshop
Did you catch the word FREE in the title? With the exception of bikes, I am a notorious cheapskate. Evidence of this includes the fact...

The La Brea Tar Pits
Okay, try not to laugh, but I started this blog because I wanted to change the world in my free time. With a wife in residency and a...

A Baby on a Bike
Using a conservative estimate, I have driven at least 220,000 miles in LA traffic. Assuming that I averaged 30mph (Yeah, right), I have...

Crash the Marathon
The Little Dictator pre-gaming the Crash the Marathon ride. The Crash the Marathon ride began as an anarchic middle finger to "The Man"...

The Party Crasher Part II
Following the emergency C-section; waiting for confirmation that my wife and baby had survived the surgery; scrubbing into a Neonatal...