The Party Crasher
As I was collecting breakfast ingredients from the kitchen cupboard in a post-sleep, pre-coffee fog, I heard my pregnant wife mutter,...

Google Tried to Kill Me...Twice
"Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again." - President George W. Bush (and me) How did my bicycle...

Awesome Adventure: Cobra Kai Edition
As a boy growing up in an uncool suburb in the frigid Midwest, even I knew that there was one region of LA that was cooler than all the...

LACMA Jazz Night
For millennia adventurers have searched the globe for mythic treasures...El Dorado...The Fountain of Youth...A place where your...

Bike Your Child to Work Day: Silver Lake to Santa Monica.
Earlier this week I was wandering around a commercial shoot in “the valley” searching for an A.D. to tell me where to go. There was no...

Recently, I arranged a semi-professional meeting with another grown up. Due to my child being on summer break from pre-school, I gave...

The Natural History Museum of LA: I Heart Dinosaurs
As a six year old visiting New York City for the first time, my mind was completely blown by the American Natural History Museum. ...

Beating the Heat in DTLA: Grand Park Splash Pad
If you've been following the previous posts here and here chronicling my attempts to entertain two pre-schoolers downtown as the mercury...

Beating the heat in DTLA: 2 Kids 1 Bike Part Three
I'm a bit of a sugar nazi when it comes to kids, but I maintain my reputation with the cool crowd by blaming our sugar prohibition on my...

The Los Angeles Central Library: Two Kids One Bike Part Two
In my last post I chronicled my morning commute chauffeuring a pair of three year olds on a bike from Silver Lake to French camp in DTLA....